

Standards and protocols

Our platform and applications support Ethereum and BSC (Binance Smart Chain) and ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155 token standards.

• Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom-built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property.

• Binance Smart Chain (introduced by Binance) offers users a platform to build and develop decentralized applications. It is entirely programmable and supports smart contracts. Binance Smart Chain is considered a parallel blockchain, creating a dual-chain system by bringing programmability to Binance Chain.

• An ERC20 token is a standard used for creating and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts can then be used to create a smart property or tokenized assets that people can invest in. ERC stands for "Ethereum request for comment," and the ERC20 standard was implemented in 2015.

• ERC-721 is a free, open standard that describes how to build nonfungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. While most tokens are fungible (every token is the same as every other token), ERC721 tokens are all unique. Think of them like rare, one-of-a-kind collectables.

• ERC-1155 is the first and only Ethereum token standard that allows users to mint both fungible (identical) and non-fungible (unique) assets in a single smart contract—enabling the creation of every type of asset, from digital currency to tokenized real estate up to gaming items and digital art.

Smart contracts

• Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the contract between buyer and seller directly written into lines of code. They run on the blockchain, so they are stored on a public database and cannot be changed. The transactions that happen in a smart contract are processed by the blockchain, which means they can be sent automatically without a third party.

• We use smart contracts for the minting and listing NFTs, issuance of Fan Tokens for the clubs and operate with DeFi.

Decentralized storage IPFS

IPFS is a file-sharing system that can be leveraged to more efficiently store and share large files. It relies on cryptographic hashes that can easily be stored on a blockchain. Nonetheless, IPFS does not permit users to share files with selected parties. For connection with metadata, we are using IPFS URI.

• A Uniform Resource Identifier, or URI, is used to specify a particular piece of content in a given context. The context is determined by the URI scheme (appended to the URI as a prefix, followed by ://). The URI scheme for IPFS is simply ipfs.

• IPFS URIs are the canonical representation for an IPFS link since the ipfs scheme makes it clear and unambiguous that the CID (uniquely identify a piece of content) refers to content on IPFS and not some other system.

• We are using an IPFS URI to link from smart contracts to any external data stored using IPFS, including any metadata that describes and contextualizes the token.

• IPFS URIs are also the way to link from within a token's metadata to images and other assets stored on IPFS.


We support the web wallets and main mobile Ethereum and Ethereum like platforms. Main wallets list: Metamask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect, Binance Chain Wallet. The wallet is the main asset storage tool and also a communicational gateway to the blockchain API.

Last updated